About Us

In the year 1961, our senior and visionary partner CA Mahendra N. Shah had laid the foundation of the firm "MAHENDRA N. SHAH & CO. - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS" ("MNSCA") with a view to provide diversified professional services to the valued clientele. Late CA Mahendra N. Shah was a leading academician and a highly acclaimed name in the teaching profession apart from prominent and outstanding professional.

On professional front also he had presented more than 100 papers at various seminars and conferences organized by ICAI, ICSI and other professional bodies. Eventually the firm has expanded its service base by hiring & tie up with other professionals like Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants, Chartered Financial Analyst etc. to provide Comprehensive and multi-farious services in the field of Audit & Assurance, Taxation, business formation, merger and acquisition, Business Restructuring, Business valuation, Due diligence etc.

Late CA Mahendra N. Shah has Indeed played pivotal role in establishing the root of the firm and making it today name of Repute and Excellence. We bring with us a rich blend of heritage and aspirations of a growing firm which provides tailor made solutions to satisfy the needs of clients through a flawless and dedicated process, technology and innovation.

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